Communication Is Key To Team Sports. So How Do Your Players Communicate?
Communication is key to all forms of interpersonal interaction. Whether it’s a relationship between two people or colleagues working together, good communication is essential to success. And that’s especially true when it comes to team sports. Of course, it’s not as simple as just telling your athletes to talk to one another. Your players may […]
Don’t Be Fooled This April: What Makes A Real Custom Mouthguard?
April is the month for fooling, but while April 1 has already passed, you still need to be vigilant about companies trying to trick you. Many mouthguard brands claim to have “custom” or “semi-custom” boil-and-bite mouthguards — but do not be fooled by the imitators! What’s the difference between a true custom and a quote-unquote […]
Important Answers To Your Most Pressing Mouthguard-Related Questions
With sports fast approaching, it’s time to start thinking about athletic gear for your players. You’ve got mouthguard questions. We’ve got mouthguard answers: Q: Any Mouthguard Counts As Approved Protection, Right? A: The American Dental Association and the Academy for Sports Dentistry recommend a professionally made, properly fitted custom mouthguard for all contact and collision sports. Additionally, […]
3 Ways A Custom Mouthguard Is Like Your Heart
What’s one of the first images that comes to mind when you think about Valentine’s Day? Assuming you said ‘heart,’ you’re correct! V-day is all about matters of the heart. But unlike the heart-shaped candies and cards given out this time of year, the human heart is an oddly shaped and integral part to keeping […]
Don’t Let Your Teeth Chatter This Winter. Get Cozy With A Custom Mouthguard.
Have you ever been outside in the frigid cold and had your teeth uncontrollably chatter? If you were wearing enough layers, a warm winter coat, hat and gloves, that likely wouldn’t have happened. Mouthguards are just like that much-needed cold weather attire — the purpose is to keep you comfortable and protected from the elements. […]
The “Post-Thanksgiving Day Meal Stretchy Pants” Of Mouthguards
Thanksgiving is in just a few short weeks. As you prepare the turkey, stuffing and all the trimmings, there is one other necessity you need to have for the big day — your favorite pair of post-meal comfy, stretchy pants. Notorious for pushing the limits of your waistband and requiring instant comfort, the Thanksgiving Day […]
Player Protection: Leaves Should Fall, Not Mouthguards.
It’s October — the time of year when all the leaves start falling. You know what shouldn’t be falling though? Your players’ mouthguards. Unlike falling leaves, a falling mouthguard is not pretty. It means three things: poor fit, discomfort and improper protection — not to mention dirt and germs. Imagine your seat belt dropping off […]
FACT: Fall Is Fast Approaching. Are Your Players Properly Protected?
Summer is (somehow already) nearing a close, and as vacation season starts to wrap up its time to start prepping for the upcoming season. With fall fast approaching, it’s important that you begin researching, planning and arranging for your athletes’ proper protection. What does proper protection entail? Here are the important facts to pay attention […]
Custom Mouthguards: Remove The Gag, Increase Performance
One of the main complaints that athletes have about mouthguards is that they are uncomfortable, and oftentimes, make them gag. Since athletes have a 33-56% chance of receiving an injury to the mouth or face during their playing career, and with a lifetime cost of approximately $20,000 just for one broken tooth, it’s extremely important […]
Braces Are Uncomfortable. Mouthguards For Braces Don’t Have To Be.
If you ever had to wear braces, you likely know how uncomfortable they are. If you ever had to wear braces and play sports, you definitely know how uncomfortable they are. When it comes to your athletes with braces, adding a mouthguard to the mix — while a definite necessity — is a recipe for […]