Video: No Teeth? No Problem!

Do you play a combat or contact sport? Have you received one too many direct hits to the mouth? Does your smile resemble a Jack-o-Lantern’s?
Whether you have a perfect smile or a near toothless one, every mouth deserves the proper protection.
That’s because athletes have a 33-56% chance of receiving an orofacial injury — an injury to the mouth or face — during their playing career. With lifelong maintenance, appointments and surgeries, a broken or damaged tooth has a lifetime cost of approximately $20,000. And that’s just to replace one tooth!
But even if you’re already missing one or more teeth, Gladiator has the most protective and comfortable custom mouthguard possible for you. Custom made and hand-cut for your mouth, Gladiator is able to fit any mouth.
If Gladiator’s patented design is able to provide the ultimate protection and comfort for someone missing teeth, just think about what we can do for those with a full set!
I have no teeth lower or upper I’m in TKD I need mouth piece ever so soon I have a match soon and have lost alot of time
Thank you for reaching out. Please check your email as we have sent you information there to help you.
Need mouth guard for jiujitsu and boxing and mma.. I do not have top teeth but wear dentures what would be the best mouth guard for me
We can make you a Gladiator to fit your gums and protect your gums and jaw bone. This will require you to use our impression kit to take impressions of your upper gums. You will need to order the Elite style($80) and please note on the order you have full upper dentures or no upper teeth. This will not take the place of your teeth and will not stick down as your denture does. The guard will sit on your upper gums to protect them.
I wear a custom full upper denture to accommodate my three exposed dental implants on the right side of my mouth. I am looking for a guard to wear at night to prevent the posts from puncturing my tongue and mouth. Is this something your product will remedy?
Please reach out to Customer Service at so they can best help you. They will need to ask you some specific questions about your intended use and how we can possibly help.
I am missing molars on both sides in the lower jaw and I am looking for a mouthguard to help my jaw get stronger.
Do you have options for someone thats living in the netherlands ?
Please reach out to Customer Service at so they can best help you. They will need to ask you some specific questions about your intended use and how we can possibly help.
Needing assistance with this product. How do I obtain this product? Mouth Guard for no teeth.
I cant find it on the website.
We can make you a Gladiator to fit your gums and protect your gums and jaw bone. This will require you to use our impression kit to take impressions of your upper gums. You will need to order the Elite style($80) and please note on the order you have full upper dentures or no upper teeth. This will not take the place of your teeth and will not stick down as your denture does. The guard will sit on your upper gums to protect them.
Once we receive the completed impressions, production time is currently 3-5 business days. You will need to use our impression kit to take impressions of your upper gums. You will need to order the Elite style and please note on the order you have full upper dentures or no upper teeth. For your lower gums you will be ordering the Pro style. Do not add this as an additional or reorder, but new. You will need two separate kits.
How much it cost to buy a mouth guard for mma and boxing as I don’t have any teeth at all? Thank you.
We can make you a Gladiator to fit your gums and protect your gums and jaw bone. This will require you to use our impression kit to take impressions of your upper gums. You will need to order the Elite style($80) and please note on the order you have full upper dentures or no upper teeth. This will not take the place of your teeth and will not stick down as your denture does. The guard will sit on your upper gums to protect them.
Since you also have no lower teeth, you may want to consider ordering the Pro style($55) for your lower jaw. This will help to close the gap between your upper and lower jaw so they can make contact. But it is not necessary if you do not want a lower.
There is no guarantee we can close the gap depending on your structure and the size of the gap but this is the best combination to do so and will be made as two seperate pieces. If you do order the Pro, please note on the order that the Pro is for the lower and you also have a full lower denture or no lower teeth. They will not be one guard, but two separate guards.
I have zero teeth and have tried a few other custom mouth guards but none of them were thick enough to be able to provide comfortable bite pressure while wearing them. I need one which the bite is thick enough to make up for the absence of my teeth. The impact guard I tried that was custom made was not thick enough to make adequate bite pressure and I was disqualified from a fight I was absolutely winning because I kept losing it. How thick can you make them on the bite?
Unfortunately, a mouthguard cannot provide much structure. A mouthguard cannot take the place of the teeth and will not stick down as a denture would. We can make you a Gladiator to protect your gums and jaw bone that will stay in place. The guard would sit on the upper/lower gums/teeth. The guard we can make for athletes with no teeth is about 4-6mm in thickness.
Hi, I have a full denture on top and partial denture on the bottom (3 teeth). I sleep with no dentures in, but am having a lot of pain and trouble sleeping from the bottom teeth grinding into the top gum. Is there anything that could help me?
We are sorry to hear about your troubles. If you could contact us at with information we may be able to help, but we would like to discuss options with you.
I currently wear a full set of dentures. How do I navigate getting a mouthguard for the top & bottom gums? Is it a one-piece deal? ANY info would be appreciated cuz I want to get into sparring in boxing & Muay Thai.
Hi Thomas. We can make you a Gladiator to fit your gums and protect your gums and jaw bone. This will require you to use our impression kit to take impressions of your upper gums. You will need to order the Elite style($80) and please note on the order you have full upper dentures or no upper teeth. This will not take the place of your teeth and will not stick down as your denture does. The guard will sit on your upper gums to protect them.
If you also have no lower teeth, you may want to consider ordering the Pro style($55) for your lower jaw. This will help to close the gap between your upper and lower jaw so they can make contact. But it is not necessary if you do not want a lower.
There is no guarantee we can close the gap depending on your structure and the size of the gap but this is the best combination to do so and will be made as two seperate pieces. If you do order the Pro, please note on the order that the Pro is for the lower and you also have a full lower denture or no lower teeth. They will not be one guard, but two separate guards.
My mom is 83, has very few teeth especially bottoms ( wears partial dentures) and suffers from sleep apnea. We have tried mouth guards as sleeping aids but they either fall out of her mouth during sleep or make her guns soar due to rubbing. Is your product a viable painfree option for her to get a good night’s sleep?
We are sorry to hear about your troubles. If you could contact us at with more information we may be able to help, but do need more details on your mother’s needs.
Hello. I discovered your site. My problem is that I only have one tooth at the top. I’m wearing a removable denture. I practice wrestling and grappling. Is there a solution in my case? I live in Canada. Thank you!
We can make you a Gladiator to fit your single tooth and upper gums to protect your gums and jaw bone. This will require you to use our impression kit to take impressions of your upper gums. You will need to order the Elite style($80) and please note on the order you have an upper denture and only one upper tooth. This will not take the place of your teeth and will not stick down as your denture does. The guard will sit on your upper gums to protect them.
I had all my teeth extracted and got dentures, I have had 3 sets now and none of them work, if I try to wear them my gums bleed and hurt for weeks, I am 80 and do not have much money for dental work. I need some kind of appliance to keep from grinding my gums. Any suggestion welcome,
We are so sorry to hear you are having such trouble, but we do have a solution that may work for you. We will reach out to you via email with some options and follow up questions.
Hi I do kungfu sparring I have no upper teeth is there a mouthguard I can use for sparring .that will just cover my gums
We can make you a Gladiator to fit your gums and protect your gums and jaw bone. This will require you to use our impression kit to take impressions of your upper gums. You will need to order the Elite style($80) and please note on the order you have full upper dentures or no upper teeth. This will not take the place of your teeth and will not stick down as your denture does. The guard will sit on your upper gums to protect them.
Hi, I wear full dentures and am looking for a mouthguard to use for both the top and the bottom. Do you think it would work for me to order two and mold one for the top and one for the bottom?
So sorry to hear you are having such trouble, but we do have a solution that may work for you. We will reach out to you via email with some options and follow up questions.
I have no teeth and I’m looking for something to use for boxing/competitions ect, something that will be able to support and protect my jaw, gums and deal with power to this area. I’ve always had difficulty using a double mouthpiece with breathing in the past. Is there a way to have a single upper mouth guard, I’m worried that it may come loose or not be able to fit properly I’ve tried many other types with no success. Thank you.
So sorry to hear you are having such trouble, but we do have a solution that may work for you. We will reach out to you via email with some options.
I have 3 dental implants on my top arch with a 5 unit bridge. I would like to continue training in Brazilian JiuJitsu which is a grappling art but you do get the occasional stray knee or elbow to the mouth.
Will your mouth guards protect my implants?
Hi Anthony. Protecting implants is not a problem. We have many athletes with implants. You will want to look at the Gladiator Pro style.
Hello There,
I no longer have any teeth at all. I wear an upper denture, but when I accidently bite down directly onto my lower gums, it hurts a lot. I cannot be fitted with a lower denture because I have an odd bone structure down there and I would need oral surgery. I’ve opted out of doing that due to the expense. So here’s my question: Is there any product out there, preferably OTC, that I can mold to my lower gums so if I accidently bite down, it won’t hurt so much? I don’t need it at night; I just want to wear it during the day with my upper denture.
Hi Joanna. I do not know of anything OTC that would be able to fit your gums well enough to help. However, we would recommend our Pro style for this case. You would need to indicate that it is for the lower jaw when ordering and the specific use, but we often combine a lower Pro with an upper Elite for those with no teeth in athletics. The lower Pro would help to protect your gums from your denture.
I am a 55 year old Gulf war veteran and cancer survivor who had to have all my teeth removed due to radiation not having teeth has caused many muscular and nerve issues.I am looking for a mouth guard to prevent myself from trying to grind teeth I no longer have.
Thank you for your service and I am so sorry to hear you are having such trouble. We will reach out to you via email with some options.
I have full dentures but have to remove them at night. My jaw gets stuck at night and pops when opening. Do you have something that will work for me at night with NO teeth
So sorry to hear you are having such trouble. We will reach out to you via email with some options.
Hi, I had all of my upper teeth removed after the drugs (prescribed) ate them up. I only have 5 on the bottom and those are going to have to be extracted soon, leaving me toothless. In order for dentures on my bottom they need to perform surgery because of jaw being to way, I will live with only uppers but need a piece to keep mouth inline at night…………HELP? Thank you VERY Much
Hi John,
Please reach out to Customer Service at so they can best help you. They will need to ask you some specific questions about your intended use and how we can possibly help.
Hi my name is Ben and I had problems with my teeth from an early age and I also didn’t help myself early on as well and as a result I’ve lost 5 or 6 teeth and most of the other teeth have buccal cavities and I have an amateur boxing fight coming up and I was wondering what mouthguard you would recommend.
Hi Ben. We would be happy to help. If you have any upper teeth remaining, you can order the Pro or Elite style. If you have none, you will have to order the Elite only and let us know in the notes of your order that you have no upper teeth.
I have upper teeth and bottom teeth although most aren’t in the best condition and I’m getting implants so should I get the elite ?
You should wait until your implants are in to order as your impression will change once these are put in. Unless these aren’t going in for awhile and you need a mouthguard now, then please go ahead and place your order. You do not have to order the Elite. You will want to order based on your sport and needs. You can go through the selection process as you normally would.
I have 3 teeth missing in the back upper left and i have been experiencing tmj on that side is there anything u can help with
Hi Heather. A nightguard will help you with this. You can find them here: Only missing those three teeth will not affect this process!
Hi I am a amateur mma fighter and I have no teeth! I had trauma to the mouth during a street fight with 3 guys and was kicked in the mouth and broke alot of my teeth. So I had to have all 28 of my teeth removed I had gotten a pair of dentures but they also were not made well and both top and bottom broke about a year ago! My insurance won’t cover another set for another few years its crazy I dont even like talking to people because of how low my self esteem is with no teeth, im not working right now but im trying to make a career out of fighting I have 3 kids a 5yr old a 7yr old and a 9month old! I wanted to know if you do any giveaways or donations because I really need a mouthguard to protect my gums in order to fight I hope you can help! God bless! Bbnbbn
Hi Kenneth,
I am so sorry for your unfortunate situation. We do run promo codes periodically throughout the year, there is actually one running right now. If you do place an order, you will need the Elite style and please indicate you have no upper teeth. Since you also have no lowers, I would also mention adding the Pro style for your lower to try and close the gap between your upper and lower jaw, we cannot guarantee it will close. Again, note that you have no lower teeth when ordering and that the guard is for a lower. All the best!
Hey, I wear a complete set of false teeth and am looking to get back into the ring. I’m 35 and looking to peruse a minor amateur boxing career. What’s the cost on making a mouth guard to custom fit that won’t have me clinching my jaw too tightly but still make me able to breath out of my mouth. Thanks in advance
Hi Doug,
If you have no upper teeth you will need to order the Elite style. You can see a link for that under SHOP in the navigation.
Hi guys I have a full top denture would the elite be suitable also how long would it take to have one fitted and delivered if I’m in Australia
Hi Nathan,
Yes, you will need to order the Elite as we need the extra layer to help stay up on your upper gums. You will not take your impression with your dentures in and will not wear them with the Gladiator. International shipping time can vary, but our production time is currently about 5 business days.
I was told I could get dentures 6-8 weeks after removing all my teeth. The oral surgeon did a hack up job. He did not perform the alveoplasty as promised. Now after 4 months I am told that Dentures cannot be made because of all the bone not removed. It will be anothe 3 months before alveoplasty then another 2-3 before a fitting trial. I would like something to keep my gums seperated from grinding and soreness. Can you help or know where I can receive help. I have limited income on medicaid.
So sorry to hear about all your troubles. I will have our team reach out to you via email to help you find a solution.
I have TMJ but do not have any teeth.
I have constant gum pain, earache, headache
and neck pain. Is there a night guard I can use
to ease the pain.
I am so sorry to hear that. I will have our team reach out to you with some questions and solutions.
My 13 year old son (almost 14) knocked out a couple teeth in the front and loosened a few others. After surgery he has two teeth gone and two or three they worked on to straighten. When they put his braces back on next week (the e.r. Dr. had to cut them off) he will get two fake teeth attached to the braces, not the gums or bone. He Wrestles, plays football, rides mountain bikes and dirt bikes. What would be his best option? We have tried other brands with his braces on before his accident and he had trouble breathing during wrestling while wearing it.
Hi Jeff,
We are very sorry to hear of your son’s injury.
As I feel this requires the best customer service I can offer I would like to have a direct conversation with you to be sure I understand exactly what our challenges are.
We do have an excellent product – Ortho Chanel – for athletes with braces. How we move through the process given your son’s injury should be discussed.
Kindly give me a call 1-877-8 GUARDS use ext 0 and ask for me, Bobbie.
Looking forward to helping your son.
Hi ,what is the cost for a gladiator elite please ?
The Elite is $80:
I have TMJ, I also have no teeth to speak of… I get constant headaches every morning from clenching my mouth closed. I desperately need a mouth peice to keep my jaw From closing fully and clenching at night while I sleep. Do you guys have options for this? The headaches are….. Intense.
Plz email me if possible. Thank you for Taking the time to read this message.
Hi Casey. We are sorry to hear you are having so much trouble. We will certainly email you with solutions.
My mother has the exact same problem keeping her jaw aligned without her full dentures. She needs more than just upper gum guards. Could you send this info to me too?
Hi Elijah,
Please reach out to Customer Service at so they can best help you. They will need to ask you some specific questions about your intended use and how we can possibly help.
I have 7 bottom teeth in front and no back teeth my face is starting to look bad because of the missing teeth. And my mouths sits wrong and is pushing my top front teeth forward. Would something like this help me?
I am so sorry to hear the trouble you are having. Unfortunately, a mouthguard cannot provide much structure. A mouthguard cannot take the place of the teeth and will not stick down as a denture would. The guard would sit on the upper/lower gums/teeth. This is primarily used for protection in athletic competition or from grinding.
Now I’m trying to find something to put in my mouth to make my jawline look better, because my mouth is starting to drag inward. Can you recommend something?
We are so sorry to hear the trouble you are having. Unfortunately, a mouthguard cannot provide much structure. A mouthguard cannot take the place of the teeth and will not stick down as a denture would. The guard would sit on the upper/lower gums/teeth. This is primarily used for protection in athletic competition or from grinding.
Sam Pope April 5 2020. Having same problem can’t sleep both top and bottoms are gone need one to sleep with at night when i take them out
Hi Sam,
Please reach out to Customer Service at so they can best help you. They will need to ask you some specific questions about your intended use and how we can possibly help.
I have had all teeth removed and wear full upper and lower plates. I practice martial arts and still want to continue to spar. Do you have an option for my situation? If the guard is one solid piece for top and bottom, how is air flow with it? Are there vents? Thanks in advance!
Not a problem. We can make a Gladiator for someone who wears full dentures. You should remove any appliances before taking your impression and while engaged in any athletic activity. The Gladiator will be worn over the upper gums only. This will allow you full protection, still stay tight to your upper gums and not interfere with breathing.
You will need to order the Gladiator Elite if you have less than 4 teeth remaining. We need the additional layer to provide proper protection and a tight fit. Please then note in the Special Instructions field that you wear a full denture.
Please let us know if you have any further questions.
my husband lost his teeth due to radiation for cancer of the throat. He’s 72 years old and we don’t have the money to go to a specialist to remove all his costs us 275.00 just for a consultation for 15 minutes. His gums are extremely sore from chewing and I thought a mouth guard would help. Is this something that you can help him with?
Hi Toni, I am so sorry to hear this. Please reach out to me directly at and I will do everything I can to help! There may be a few different options for you.
I have a full set of dentures the problem is keep them in my mouth and swallow withthem so that why i am trying to see if moth guard could help cause i dont have alot of money.
We are sorry to hear you are having so much trouble. We will be sure to reach out to you to help.
Hi. I do karate. I have a top set of falsers. I got punched in the mouth last night and my falsers cut right along my top gum. Very painful. Deeb gash right along. What is available for me to prevent this happening again.
Oh no! That had to be so painful, sorry to hear that.
We can make a Gladiator for someone who wears full dentures. However, we must caution to not wear your Gladiator over the appliance. You should remove any appliances before taking your impression and while engaged in any athletic activity. We can fabricate the Gladiator to wear in any situation.
You will need to order the Gladiator Elite if you have less than 4 teeth remaining. We need the additional layer to provide proper protection and a tight fit. Please then note in the Special Instructions field that you wear a full denture.
Please let us know if you have any further questions.
I am missing1 moler in the back and 4 teeth . The question is? Can I wear a mouth guard and how do I know if I need them on top or bottom? I have missing teeth on top and bottom of my mouth
Yes, you can wear a Gladiator and you can choose either the Pro or Elite style depending on your sport and preferences. You do not need a bottom mouthguard. You will wear your Gladiator on the top.
I have no upper teeth is there a mouth piece I could where everyday too make my upper lip look like it sunken in until I get my new false teeth, I don’t care what color
We are sorry, but a mouthguard cannot provide much structure. A mouthguard cannot take the place of the teeth and will not stick down as a denture would.