Mouthguard Of The Future: Innovating Advanced Comfort And Protection
When it comes to mouthguards, athletes commonly have three complaints: They are uncomfortable to wear They make it hard to breathe or speak They are too easily chewed up and destroyed More than any other piece of gear, mouthguards seem to be mistreated the most — players often “forget” them in their locker or gym […]
Custom Mouthguard: Make A New Year’s Resolution That You Can Actually Keep
It’s a new year, and that’s means one thing: New Year’s resolutions! While most people choose to make ambitious life changes that they’re unlikely to keep for the new year, why not shoot for something a little more obtainable — like a new mouthguard! After all, both the American Dental Association and the Academy for […]
Everything You’ve Wanted To Know About Mouthguards, But Were Afraid To Ask
You’ve got mouthguard questions. We’ve got mouthguard answers: 1. How Do I Choose The Right Mouthguard? The right mouthguard for you actually depends on the sport you play. Each sport demands a different level of protection, and some sports and leagues even have specific mouthguard rules and requirements. Oftentimes, the proper mouthguard for your sport […]
Breaking News: There’s A Mouthguard Your Athletes Will Actually Love!
Let’s be honest, mouthguards aren’t typically an athlete’s favorite piece of athletic equipment. You may notice that your players “forget” them in their locker or gym bag or they flat out just lose them altogether. More than any other piece of gear, mouthguards seem to be mistreated the most — from being chewed up and […]