Sitting Out The Preseason Doesn’t Protect Players … It Hurts Them
It’s the start of another NFL season, and along with it comes complaints about the preseason. This year, just like every year in the past, the debate over the length and necessity of the NFL’s exhibition season rages on. Too many games. Too few stars. Too many injuries. Why do we need it? The preseason, […]
Player Development: The Pros And Cons Of Moving Up A Level
In all sports, at all levels, the best players always rise to the top. It’s a simple fact of sports; the players with the most talent are always going to stand out amongst their peers, and that typically means they are good enough to advance to the next level of play. Though sometimes, especially for […]
Protective Gear: What To Look For When You’re Looking For The Best
When it comes to purchasing something as important as athletic equipment, especially protective gear, it’s usually wise to invest in the best. Why spend top dollar for gear that isn’t even visible, as your players wear them under their uniform or in their mouth? Proper protection and injury prevention, that’s why. With so many options, […]
Team Building: How To Select The Right Players For Your Team
Whether you’re a professional general manager drafting the next generation of pros or a youth coach selecting players from an open tryout, you always want to take the right players. Obviously. But that’s typically easier said then done. Each group of athletes contains elite players, the ones with talent who happen to fizzle out and […]
Athletic Equipment: Making The Most Out Of Your Mouthguards
It’s no mystery that mouthguards are not your athlete’s favorite piece of athletic equipment. But, you also know just how important they are for keeping your players safe. How do you help your team comply with wearing their mouthguards and make sure they are staying on the field, court or ice? Simple! Provide your players […]
Are You Ready For The Preseason? A Simple Guide To Help You Prepare
It’s the end of July and NFL training camps are getting under way. You know what that means: preseason for all fall sports is just around the corner! That’s right; while it’s hard to believe that summer is nearly at an end, it’s time once again to begin preparing for the new season. No matter […]
Know Your Protection: How Do Mouthguards Actually Protect Athletes?
You already know that it’s important for your players to wear their mouthguards, but do you know how exactly mouthguards protect your athletes? It’s actually pretty simple. Mouthguards act as a shock absorber when impact is made to the mouth, jaw or chin — the three areas where orofacial injuries typically occur. What happens when […]
Team Sports: How Do You Select The Right Organization For You?
Whether you’re in youth athletics, going to college or becoming a free agent in a pro sports league, you typically have the freedom to choose where exactly you want to play. And that’s a pretty major decision. Remember, where you play isn’t just about the actual location. The decision you make must also take into […]
Controlling Your Emotions: How To Overcome Anxiety In Your Game
Have you ever had butterflies bouncing around in your stomach before a big game? Did you ever feel sweaty even before playing? How about getting your heart rate elevated so high you think you might be fainting? These are common symptoms of anxiety. Two types of anxiety that can affect you are called Cognitive Mental […]
Would You Sign The Mouthguard Declaration Of Independence?
240 years ago, our forefathers declared independence from tyranny and oppression. In 2016, it’s your turn! Independence Day is just a few short days away, so in honor of July 4th, let’s take a look at reasons behind declaring independence from your oppressively outdated stock or boil-and-bite mouthguard. Here is the Mouthguard Declaration of Independence: […]