Change It Up: 3 Tips To Turn Your Season Around
Stumbling out of the gate to begin a season is tough. You, your fellow coaches and your team put in months of hard work and preparation in order to get out to a quick start to the year and sprint into the playoffs — only now, the playoffs seem like a distant possibility. But just […]
Girls’ Lacrosse At A Crossroads: Are Helmets An Answer Or A Problem?
Girls’ lacrosse is a completely different game from boys’ lacrosse. At face value, a blanket statement like that may seem misogynistic, but it is in fact true. The boys’ game is much more aggressive and violent than the version girls play, and there’s one significant difference between the two that goes beyond gender. Boys wear […]
Who Is Responsible For Player Safety: The League Or The Player?
During a November 4th Monday Night Football game between Green Bay and Chicago, Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers exited the game early with a shoulder injury to his non-throwing arm. He didn’t return to the game, but was noticeably not wearing a sling on the sideline and didn’t appear to be in great pain. Did the […]
Scare Up Some Wins This Halloween With Custom Mouthguards
It’s Fall! And you know what that means — football’s in full swing, baseball is having an electric finish, ice hockey and basketball are under way and Halloween is just days away! There’s nothing better than Halloween; wearing a costume, scaring people and having fun with friends. In a way, it’s sort of like playing […]
Custom Mouthguards: Give Your Team The Performance Boost They Need
Oftentimes in this space, we mention that custom mouthguards have the ability to boost athletic performance. While it may seem hard to believe, the small piece of gear in your player’s mouth does in fact have benefits beyond protecting their teeth. Much like the nasal strips commonly worn by athletes, custom mouthguards are designed to […]
Broken Teeth: What Do You Do When A Player Injures Their Mouth?
A lot of talk in this space has focused on concussion protection and the performance-enhancing benefits of a custom mouthguard. But there is one very important aspect of player safety we haven’t discussed yet, and that’s the most obvious body part a mouthguard provides protection for: teeth. With the risk of mouth injury high, both […]
A New Attitude: Why It Seems Like Concussions Are On The Rise
If you watch SportsCenter or the sports segment of a national news program on any given night, you’re likely to see a story about the dangers of concussions and the effects head injuries have on athletes. On an almost weekly basis, we see a popular NFL or NHL player’s season get derailed by a concussion. […]
When It Comes To Mouthguards, Custom Is Worth The Cost
When pricing athletic equipment for your team, how long do you spend debating generic, boil-and-bite mouthguards for $5 a piece versus a custom mouthguard for each player at $45 a guard? Probably not long. After all, mouthguards are just one of the dozen pieces of sports equipment you need to purchase for every member of […]
Stop Getting Inferior Mouthguards And Invest In Your Players’ Protection
Boil-and-bite mouthguards are basically big chunks of rubber that make it hard for athletes to breathe or speak. They are uncomfortable, which is distracting to players during a game, and they don’t provide the proper protection for which they’re intended. Frankly, if it were up to your players, they simply wouldn’t wear them. So why […]
The 4 “Do’s” And “Don’ts” Of Team Gear And Apparel
Imagine a team bus pulling up to your stadium or arena. As the players and coaches get off the bus, you notice that everyone is dressed differently, in their own individual style of clothing. What’s your first impression of that team? Now imagine another team bus pulling up to your stadium or arena. As the […]