6 Scary Facts About Oral Injuries And Generic Mouthguards
Scary. Terrifying. Blood-curdling. What do these words make us think of? No, not Halloween … Oral injuries. Oral and facial injuries are no joke. Aside from being sensitive and having severely painful effects, injuries to the mouth and face are just a bloody mess. That’s because the face and mouth are two areas of the […]
5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Overlook Mouthguards When Buying Equipment
When it comes to buying athletic equipment for your team, you need to make the most of your budget, and team gear may be expensive. That’s particularly true when you need to purchase one of everything for each player. But just because helmets and jerseys are more visible than protective equipment like thigh pads and […]
Pros And Cons: A Look At Participation Trophies For Youth Athletes
Recently, Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker and scary human-being James Harrison made waves when he took away his sons’ participation trophies. The general public was slightly appalled at the act, but as Harrison said, he was proud of everything his sons did and accomplished, but they didn’t EARN the trophies, and so they were being returned. Participation […]
3 Reasons Why Your Mouthguard Is Uncomfortable And How To Fix It
One of the biggest complaints you may have as an athlete is that your mouthguard is uncomfortable. But did you ever wonder why your mouthguard is uncomfortable? Mouthguards may seem like any other boring piece of athletic equipment — no different than your thigh pads or shin guards — but they are actually one of […]
Cheating To Win: Should Athletes Be Allowed To Bend The Rules?
Spygate. Deflategate. Bountygate. Interference in headsets. Corked bats. Boosters paying players. Steroid use. Pine tar. From full-blown scandals that date as far back as the 1919 Black Sox to minor offenses that simply bend the rules, there are too many accounts of cheating in sports to even keep track of! Whether it’s something as small […]
Checking The Count: Mouthguards By The Numbers
Oftentimes in this space, we examine the details of custom mouthguards — the protection and comfort they provide, or the fit and the intimidating designs. But let’s look a little bit deeper. What do the numbers tell us about mouthguards? Let’s go through your guard, by the numbers: 3D: NBA All-Star LeBron James, an official […]